5 Trending Print Businesses

Are you looking to start a new business in the print industry? Want to know which print businesses are currently trending and have the potential for success? Look no further! In this article, I will introduce you to five trending print businesses that are gaining popularity in the market.

The print industry is constantly evolving, and new trends and opportunities are emerging every day. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or someone looking to start their first business, it’s crucial to stay updated on the latest trends to make informed decisions. These five print businesses have shown promising growth and are worth considering if you’re looking to enter the print industry.

From custom apparel printing to 3D printing services, these trending print businesses offer unique and innovative solutions that cater to various customer needs. So, if you’re ready to explore the world of print and discover exciting business opportunities, let’s dive into the details of these trending print businesses.

1. Print On Demand Business

In today’s fast-paced digital world, the Print on Demand (POD) business has emerged as one of the most relevant and fastest-growing digital printing trends. With the rise of ecommerce and online businesses, the demand for customizable and unique products has skyrocketed.

What sets the Print on Demand business apart is its ability to offer a wide range of products that can be customized to meet the unique preferences of potential customers. From t-shirts and mugs to tote bags and all-over print hoodies, there are over 200 products that can be tailored to individual needs.

Short print runs are another advantage of the Print on Demand model. Unlike traditional printing methods that often require large quantities, POD businesses allow for small print runs, enabling customers to test the market without committing to large inventories.

2. Digital Content Printing Business

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on print publications. With restrictions on physical businesses and social distancing measures in place, the circulation of print magazines and newspapers has been profoundly affected. Many publishers have had to adapt to the changing landscape by exploring new avenues for content distribution, leading to the rising trend of digital printing.

Digital printing offers several advantages over analog printing methods. Firstly, it allows for quick and efficient production, making it ideal for fast-turnaround projects. With digital printing, there is no need for time-consuming setup processes, as files can be directly sent to the printer. This streamlined workflow not only saves time but also reduces costs associated with traditional printing methods.

Additionally, digital printing allows for more precise color matching and sharper image quality. The technology has evolved greatly, enabling printers to accurately reproduce intricate details and vibrant colors. This high level of quality has contributed to the growing demand for digital print products.

The digital printing market has been expanding rapidly, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) expected to reach 5.3% from 2020 to 2027. This growth can be attributed to the increasing adoption of digital printing technologies across various industries, including textiles, signage, packaging, and more.

In the textile industry, digital content printing is revolutionizing the way designs are printed on fabrics. With digital printing, textile manufacturers can easily produce small batches or even single pieces with customized designs. This flexibility not only reduces waste but also opens up new possibilities for designers to create unique and personalized textile products.

3. Custom Product Printing Business

Custom product printing is a rapidly growing industry that offers endless possibilities for personalized and unique items. As technology continues to evolve, so do the latest trends and techniques in custom product printing. Staying up-to-date with these trends is crucial for businesses in this field to meet the demands of their customers.

One important aspect of custom product printing is understanding and incorporating aesthetic trends. Styles like vaporwave, cottage-core, Y2K, and streetwear have gained significant popularity among consumers. By keeping up with these trends, custom product printers can better understand their customers’ preferences and create designs that resonate with them.

In addition to staying current with aesthetic trends, offering special effect (SFX) printing has become increasingly important. SFX printing involves using inks with special properties like puff, glitter, suede, shimmer, and high-density. These effects add texture, shine, and a unique touch to custom printed products, making them more appealing to customers who are looking for something extra special.

Custom product printing businesses that embrace the latest trends and techniques not only provide their customers with cutting-edge designs but also stay ahead of the competition. By continuously innovating and offering a wide range of customization options, these businesses can attract and retain customers who seek personalized and eye-catching products. Investing in the latest technology and talent is key to thriving in the custom product printing industry.

4. Customized Packaging Solutions

The packaging industry has experienced significant changes and challenges due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. With a decline in demand for transport and industrial packaging, the industry has had to adapt to new market demands. However, there has been an increase in the need for packaging solutions related to medical supplies, drugs, and food hygiene.

In the printing industry, customization and printing options have become crucial for print-on-demand companies. These companies rely on offering unique and personalized products to attract and retain customers. Customized packaging solutions play a vital role in enhancing the overall customer experience. From branded boxes and tissue paper to personalized labels and stickers, packaging can create a lasting impression and help strengthen the brand identity.

Print-on-demand companies also need to invest in advanced printing technology to cater to the growing trend of product personalization. With the availability of digital printing techniques, it is now easier than ever to create customized packaging solutions with high-quality printing. This allows print-on-demand businesses to offer a wide range of packaging options that align with their customers’ preferences and the uniqueness of their products.

5. Health And Safety Signage

Health and safety signage has become an increasingly important aspect of the print industry and is now considered a trending business. The need for clear and informative signage has become crucial in ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Customized health and safety signs have seen a significant surge in demand due to the increased emphasis on promoting and enforcing safety measures. Businesses and organizations are now prioritizing the use of personalized signage to communicate important health guidelines and protocols effectively.

There are various types of health and safety signs that businesses can offer to cater to this growing demand. Social distancing signs help reinforce the importance of maintaining a safe distance between individuals, hand hygiene signs encourage proper handwashing practices, and mask-wearing signs remind people of the need to wear masks in public places. These signs not only serve as visual reminders but also play a significant role in creating a safe and conducive environment.

The potential customers for health and safety signage are vast and diverse. Every industry, including retail stores, hospitals, offices, restaurants, and educational institutions, requires clear and visible signs to communicate safety precautions to their employees, customers, and visitors. The market size for health and safety signage is projected to continue growing as businesses across various sectors recognize its importance.


In conclusion, the printing industry is continuously evolving and is experiencing several emerging trends that carry significant implications for printing companies, consumers, graphic designers, manufacturers, publishers, and educational institutions. These trends emphasize the need for printing companies to adapt and invest in new technologies, processes, and training to remain competitive in the market.